Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dare to Dream it Large, Dare to Dream it Loudly

Almost 51 years ago, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered a speech that would change a nation forever.  He, along with so many others, dared to speak out in the name of making their dreams become a reality, and succeeded in the transformation of America that still continues today. 

Thousands line up in front of the Lincoln Memorial for the Civil Rights March on Washington.
Though we have come a long way, we are all aware of the imperfections in our society and environment that still exist, and we face them every day.  We have the power to change the's up to us to make it happen.

Whether it's a change you want to see in your local community, school, or the federal government, we all need to learn the skills associated with being an effective leader of change.  We at UCC want to see you succeed, we want to see you make your dreams a reality. 

So come to the UCC library and see how great leaders did it in the past, or check out some books that can teach you the skills you need to be a driving force behind change. 


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