Learn something new in 2014! Now that the calendar has turned over to a new year, many of us have resolved to pick up a new skill, hobby, or just to make a change. Let the UCC Library help you with those New Year Resolutions-- and if you don't have one already, maybe you'll find something in our collections that calls to you as a great goal.
Succeed in College!
The Library is a partner in your college success-- we offer general guides on starting out your college career, resources for your classes (don't forget you can check out textbooks for use in the Library!), in-person help from library staff, and books, electronic resources, CDs, and DVDs on all kinds of topics under the sun!
Excelling in College: strategies for success & reducing stress
Jeffrey Kottler
378.198 K

Computer languages, like the times, are always changing. Pick up computer programing this year, or learn an additional language-- we have how-to manuals and quick "visual course" titles for many popular and new languages.
C# In-Depth - 3rd Ed.
Jon Skeet
005.133 S | New Book section
Winter always seems like the best time to cook up something warm on the stove or in the oven. Check out our culinary section for soup inspirations, basic guides ("How to Cook Just About Everything") and more regional favorites than you can shake a wooden spoon at.
The Culinary Institute of America Book of Soups
641.813 C
Get penny-wise!
Ready to start saving? Or at least make "budget" something other than a four-letter word?
The Investor's Manifesto: preparing for prosperity, Armageddon, and everything in between
William J. Bernstein
332.6 B | New Books section
Communicate (in a new language)!
Want to learn a new spoken language in 2014? We have dictionaries, phrase guides, tutorial CDs and DVDs, and even novels in some non-English languages. Don't forget that UCC offers World Language classes too!
250 Essential Chinese Characters
Philip Yungkin Lee
495.182 L
Travel is a fun resolution, and sometimes exploring your own backyard can make for the most interesting outings. Whether you want to travel abroad or check out recreation right here in Oregon, we have guides at the Library-- you can even learn a new way to explore those outdoor spaces with a hiking, rock climbing, or outdoor survival manual.
Washington, Oregon, & the Pacific Northwest
Lonely Planet Guides
979.5 W
Rock Climbing: mastering basic skills
Craig Luebben
796.5223 L
Happiness & Personal Change!
Many resolutions have, at their heart, some type of habit-shift: eating right, exercising more, stopping something or starting something else. At heart, we humans have an amazing capacity to learn, which is awesome, but changing our basic day-to-day activities is
hard. Lots of psychologists have studied the best ways to increase happiness or make personal change-- check out their work in our collection!
Change: what really leads to lasting personal transformation
Jeffrey A. Kottler
155.25 K | New Book section
The How of Happiness: a new approach to getting the life you want
Sonja Lyubomirsky
152.4 L
Maybe it's just me, but every few years I resolve that
this will be the year I figure out how to grow something more ambitious than a bamboo cutting in a glass of water...and then a few months later my pot of herbs looks as wilted and floppy as a pancake. No more, my fellow "black thumb" gardeners! Let this be the year we throw off our shackles and eat a
tomato we grew ourselves. Yes we can!
Starter Vegetable Gardens: 24 no-fail plans for small organic gardens
Barbara Pleasant
635 P