Here's where. If you're looking for a book with a particular subject, title, author, or have a keyword in mind it's probably best to make use of the 4 computers next to the main desk where you'll find the librarie's catalogue. Click on the icon for Internet Explorer, and it will direct you straight to the catalogue. Just type in what you know and it will pop out all the results matching your criteria!
Once you find the one or few you're looking for, write down the numbers associated with the book along with the letters that come after it and the title in case you have some trouble weeding through numbers.
Then...make your way to the back of the library where you'll find many, many shelves with numbers taped along the ends.
No need to worry, you have a map in your hands. In this picture, the shelf to the right will have all books between 000 and 153 (above right). The shelf to the left will have all books from 305 to 330. And what about all the numbers in between 153 and 305 ? They're down there, but on the next set of shelves further in the back. Go down the aisles until you find the area where your book should be. If there are numbers after a decimal point, this will tell you more specifically where your book is.
For example, if you wrote down a book with the number 005.4476 T Ubuntu Linux, you'll go to the side that has this number (000-153). You'll then go down the aisle until you see 005's. Then the decimal numbers start and you keep going, 005.133...005.276...005.369...and they continue in increasing order like that until you find 005. 4476.
Next, you look at the letter associated with the number. From here, the letters go in alphabetical order of the same number. Once you get into a new number, the alphabet starts all over again.
So continuing with our example, you're trying to find 005.4476 T Ubuntu Linux. Travel down the rows of books (I like to use a finger so my eyes don't go funny looking at all itty bitty numbers), and you'll see 005.4476 B...005.4476 L...005.4476 S...and finally arrive at 005.4476 T!
Sometimes, there will be multiple books with the exact same number and letter. This is why I suggest writing down the title of your selection just in case.
As always of course, if you have any questions or need some help finding something, we will be more than happy to help you. :)
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