Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Reading for fun

If you need to take a break from text books to relax with a book of your choosing, then the UCC library is definitely the place to go. There are shelves lined with engaging books on a multitude of subjects. Here are just a few suggestions to help you fall back into love with reading.

"Click: When We Knew We Were Feminists" is an inspiring book edited by Courtney E. Martin and J. Courtney Sullivan. It features the stories of many different women from various lifestyles, writing about how they came to the realization that they were feminists. Their stories range from comical to emotionally touching and are encouraging for all age groups.

"Mexicanos in Oregon: Their Lives, Their Stories," written by Erlinda Gonzales-Berry, is another inspiring book that follows the stories of people from different walks of life with the same common goals. This book focuses on the increasing numbers of Latinos that are settling in Oregon. It discusses why they come and what they experience upon arrival. This book is an informative read for all Oregonians.

"The Price of Altruism: George Price and the Search for the Origins of Kindness" by Oren Harman is another thought provoking book that tells the story of George Price. A genius from America, Price sets out to answer questions regarding kindness from an evolutionary perspective. The ending will leave you with much to ponder.

The UCC Library has a wide variety of books that will provide you with some relaxing, leisure time in between homework assignments. Come find a topic that interests you today!

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