The UCC Library online reference collection keeps growing. . .as our print reference collection keeps shrinking. More and more of the big (and not-so-big) publishers of quality reference books are moving their collections online.
Check here for all of our online databases: few highlights:
’s Literary Reference Center contains tens of thousands of literary critical analyses and over a thousand literary reference works.
- Oxford Online Premium contains hundreds of reference books from Oxford Press.
- Nearly all of our medical and nursing reference books are available both in print and online in Gale Health or Salem Health databases.
- Credo Reference i
s an online general reference collection of 500+ books from various publishers.
- Small Business Resource Center includes the complete text of dozens of handbooks, “—for Dummies” titles, and start-up books
- Learning Express Library is a database of eBooks on test preparation, GED study guides, practice entrance exams to health occupations, math skills, reading skills, writing resumes, and more.
- Access Scien
ce includes the 21 volume McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology
Whether it’s the history of popular culture, current social topics, foreign language dictionaries, or encyclopedias, we have it online in an eBook. (And, of course, we have thousands of journals and magazines in our databases, as well.)
While we always like seeing you in the library, please be sure to check out all of our online offerings from wherever you are.