Friday, October 4, 2013


You've probably already encountered the new GoPrint software on the computers in the lab.  If you haven't, you've probably heard about how frustrating it is from other students. 

We're working out some kinks right now, and slowly but surely, we're hopefully easing your frustrations. 

For now, no one is getting charged for any print don't feel outraged when you think you're being charged 5.00$ for your print job.  If you look below the "Account Summary", you'll find the "Transaction Summary" where it will say 0.00$.  That is what's being 'charged' to your account.

Another thing we'd like you to remember is to log out of your account once you're done printing.  For now, you have an unlimited number of pages to print for free.  In the future, you will only be limited a certain number of pages to print for free before you begin getting charged.  It's a good idea to get into the habit now of signing out so others don't use your account.

Bear with us UCC!  Soon, coming to the lab will return to being a relatively painless process. :)

You can always ask the lab aides on duty if you have any questions or concerns, or call the HelpDesk at (541) 440-7808.